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Music: About

Musical Excellence

Grace Covenant enjoys the rich talents of many singers, handbell ringers, and instrumentalists throughout the year. This ministry endeavors to offer learning opportunities for all who participate in the program.

Grace Covenant Choirs

Chancel Choir (Teen - Adult)

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.
This Choir provides the primary musical leadership for worship at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church. Our choir, with varying musical backgrounds, presents a wide variety of repertoire from standard church music to new compositions.


​​Handbell Choir 

Rehearsals: Sundays, 8:30 a.m.
This multi-generational ensemble rings five-octaves of bells and performs a wide range of handbell literature. Special services include the Candlelight Carol Service and Easter Sunday.


Junior Choir (K--5th grade)

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 5:00 p.m.

The Junior Choir participates in the GCPC worship service several times a year and learns traditional choral anthems and occasionally plays the church’s choir chimes as part of their rehearsals.



Radio Ministry

Grace Covenant has been continuously broadcasting its Sunday Services for more than ninety years. Indeed, GCPC started the first radio station in Richmond in order to broadcast the service of famed evangelist Dr. R.A. Torrey when he preached at Grace Covenant on January 27, 1924. 


Listening Live
You can listen to the live broadcast every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. on WLES 590-AM and 97.7 FM. This is simulcast live (via streaming audio feed) on the TruthNetwork.  


Sunday sermons and full services (prelude through postlude without airtime limits) are available by request.


Get Involved
Participate in our Sunday worship from a new perspective. Visit our Radio Room to see how Grace Covenant’s worship service is broadcast. Contact our radio staff to arrange a time for your visit. 


If you are interested in assisting our radio ministry, click the link below. We'd also love to hear your feedback by contacting the church office (804) 359-2463 or



1627 Monument Avenue 

Richmond, Virginia 23220


Grace Covenant Child Development Center


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